
Here’s a list of podcast episodes that I’ve been a part of over the years.

2024-05-09Coffee & Hardcore“It’s True. It’s Damn True! Coffee and Hardcore is Going on Hiatus”
Season 5: Episode 9
2024-03-14Coffee & HardcoreBehind The Music: XREDLINEX – Season 5: Episode 5
2021-07-29Coffee & HardcoreSeason 2 Episode 7: Coffee & Hardcore Presents “Tuning In 8-bit”
2018-06-26Radio Free Lo-FiMany hats!
2018-06-21Friskie Morris Sessions#82: 2 Minute Minor
2018-04-12The AntidoteEpisode 317: Ospreyshire / Captive Portal
2018-03-16Friskie Morris SessionsEpisode #80: October Bird of Death

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